90% Revenue sharing

Best Performance

What can BestFans do better than other platforms?


Up to 90% commission!

With fabulous 90% commission - without chargebacks and no hidden fees - we are front runners in the market. Customers want to see you and your content and that’s why the lion’s share is yours!


Only one profile

No matter if free user, pay on demand or subscription with various durations - on other platforms you need several profiles. At BestFans you can easily offer your content over just one profile!


Customer Support

Your personal customer service advisor is always there for you! Great customer service support (via email, chat, phone and Skype) is the basis of any successful collaboration.


100% legal security

We offer total legal security and protect you from any formal warnings and legal procedures regarding youth protection.

Monetize your content

How does BestFans work?

Content creators

What kind of creators use BestFans?

Share your creativity

Promote YOUR BestFans profile!

Create your own BestFans profile and develop a concept for your content!

Your BestFans profile is the start of a unique relationship between you and your fanbase - the people who love your content and appreciate your creativity. You can offer paid content to give followers an exclusive insight into your life and work. In exchange for the special content you’ll be able to offer your followers on BestFans we provide you with a fair subscription scheme which will ensure an attractive and regular income and freedom of creativity. Your BestFans profile is a modern platform with an attractive design so that your BestFans can enjoy your content in high quality on any device.

On BestFans our experts with a long experience in working with social media communities will provide you with personal support in English and German! We’re always available for you during office hours to develop a collaborative partnership. Together we will maximize your success and with the support of your BestFans monetize your exclusive content!

Let your followers know you’re on BestFans now!

It’s your decision which paid content you will offer your followers and take them with you into your world! With the support of your followers on BestFans you can concentrate on creating content and adding value.

Keep your followers up to date by using your social media channels to show them which exclusive content they can expect to see on your BestFans profile!

Offer exclusive content and LOVE your BestFans!

Connect with people who appreciate your creativity and take them with you on a journey! Share exclusive content and updates to build your own community. By using our messenger you can take care of your followers like never before! Through direct contact with you they’re able to give you feedback, express their wishes and be part of your world! They will support your work as a creator with their monthly subscriptions and single purchases.

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